I read ALOT - staying up to date on the latest thinking and tactics in all levels of widely applicable management, business, as well as marketing & communications topics. If you want an idea of what I'm seeing that stands out - here's my most recent finds. -John
The Power of Art & Illustration in Modern Day Websites
There's a new priority in design that is empathetic to reinforce mood and encourage engagement. Utilizing the art of illustration is a great path toward that goal.
Why are many social media marketers still working from the 2015 playbook?
How to Defeat Busy Culture
Is it possible to maintain high productivity while keeping a team culture positive and engaging?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect Explained - Why People Think They're Amazing when they're Not... or At Least Not As Amazing as they Think They are
Aside from this being a great example of a captivating explainer video, which I love to collect for inspiration on future projects, this video shows very clearly how bias can affect reasoning and decision making - especially in those who choose listen to themselves more than the advice of experts.
Romeo & Juliet In Rwanda: How A Soap Opera Sought To Change A Nation
Giving Critical Feedback Is Even Harder Remotely
Two-way feedback is critical to supporting inclusivity and engagement
A fascinating talk in relation to the times we live in.
Behavioural expert Bri Williams presents at Nudgestock Global 2020
are our management theories outdated?
Employees and managers need a stronger human purpose.
How to Do Performance Reviews — Remotely
Approach them with flexibility, leniency, empathy, and compassion.
how to create a useful brand style guide
Recent examples that underscore the importance for brand consistency.
Providing financial services to employees is a win-win
Providing valuable services to your employees beyond benefits and retirement.
An intro to Designing accessible data visualizations
Accessibility should always be a focus when design productions, and the same goes when working with data visualizations and graphs.
Samsung Eco-Friendly TV Packaging Turns Into Your Pet’s New Playground
Going beyond expectations is a key component to your marketing strategy.
andrew cuomo's powerpoints are endearingly primitive, so this designer redid them
Pentagram partner Giorgia Lupi takes a crack at redesigning the PowerPoint presentations that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo features in his daily press briefings.
Executives and Boards, Avoid These Missteps in a Crisis
Three decision-making traps to meet objectives in a fast moving situation.
Five Tried-and-true COPYWRITING Formulas
Stuck on an approach to get your message out? This is a great resource to support your writing strategy.
Building a Brand
Designing a brand is a complicated, evolutionary process that connects and captivates audiences. This is an accurate description of the process that produced amazing results for Envoy.
Our Offices Will Never Be The Same
Eventually we will have to go back to our offices after COVID-19. But how will work… work?
Data is the Future of Brand Identity
Branding resonates on an emotional level. Understanding the data helps tell the story.
Why Is Gratitude So Difficult, Yet Outrage So Easy?
“Part of the reason we are so quick to be outraged, yet slow to offer gratitude at work and in life, more broadly, is because of the widespread finding that human beings possess a negativity bias”
This is the best explanation I've seen of brand vs. product. Brand is the emotional component - how you feel about the brand and not just the selling features. Ignore brand, and your product becomes another commodity.